1. Build Your First Webpage
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Learn about HTML & CSS
- Inspect Element
- Frontend vs Backend
- Intro to HTML
- Build Your First Webpage with HTML
- When You Become Stuck
2. More CSS & Intro Meteor
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Go deeper with CSS
- Intro to CSS
- CSS Colors
- Intro to Meteor
- How the Command Line Works
- CSS IDs vs Classes example in jsbin.com
- CSS-in-Action Exercise (add CSS to the HTML)
- Web Typography with Google Fonts
- Google Analytics
3. Intro to Javascript & Starting the Guestbook
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Reviewing Javascript and Starting the Guestbook
- Intro to Javascript
- Guestbook Demo
- Building the Guestbook
- Guestbook code at the end of class 3: HTML and JS
4. Completing and Extending the Guestbook
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Finishing the example guestbook, and extending it as desired.
- Building the Guestbook
- Guestbook code at the end of the slides: HTML and JS
- Choose one of the suggested enhancements, or think of your own, and extend the guestbook.
5. Project Class #1
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Learning about Git, CSS Preprocessors, and starting on class projects.
- Share Guestbook enhancements with the class
- Intro to Git
- CSS Preprocessors
- Choosing class projects
6. Project Class #2
Thursday, January 21, 2016
- Responsive Design/Bootstrap
- Introduction to Routing
- Guestbook code at the end of class 3: HTML and JS
- Work on class projects
7. Project Class #3
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
- Static Site Hosting
- Meteor Hosting Options
- Meteor Spinner package
- Continue working on final projects