The Temporal Dead Zone is a behavior in JavaScript that occurs when declaring a variable with the let and const keywords, but not with var. A shorthand you’ll often hear to describe it is that “Let’s don’t hoist,” but this is not technically true. Read on for a brief description of what’s really occurring.

In JavaScript, variable declarations (but not assignments) are hoisted to the top of the scope. The code below works as expected:

function myFunc(){
  var greeting = "Hello World!";

myFunc(); // "Hello World!"

But if you reverse the order and try to run console.log on a variable before creating it?

function myFunc(){
  var greeting = "Hello World!";  

Which of these three options will be the output?

  • ‘Hello World!’
  • An error saying greeting is not yet defined
  • Undefined

The answer is undefined because the variable declaration is hoisted to the top of the scope. So in the eyes of the JavaScript interpreter, the code really looks as follows:

function myFunc(){
  var greeting;
  greeting = 'Hello World!'

The JavaScript interpreter works in a two-step process:

  • compile time: run through all code looking for variable/function declarations
  • runtime: execute the code including assignments and function invocations

Therefore on the first line, greeting is defined but has no assignment. JavaScript automatically provides the value undefined to defined variables without any variable. On line 2 the result will be undefined because the assignment does not occur until line three.

But if you use either the let or const keywords to declare a variable, this same code will throw an error:

function myFunc() {
  let greeting = 'Hello World!';

myFunc(); // ReferenceError: greeting is not defined
function myFunc() {
  const greeting = 'Hello World!';

myFunc(); // ReferenceError: greeting is not defined

This is the Temporal Dead Zone where we’re trying to access a variable that has not yet been initialized (it has been declared and therefore exists, but has no value, not even undefined). It’s common to hear the phrase, “let/const don’t hoist” as a shorthand to remember this behavior. But technically something else is going on.

When we use the var keyword, two things actually happen:

  1. at compile time, the variable is added to the enclosing lexical scope
  2. at runtime, when the scope is entered any variables added to the lexical environment are initialized to the undefined value so they are available to use in the scope

The let and const keywords do step 1–so technically they do hoist–but not step 2, the assignment to undefined. Therefore it’s more accurate to say that let/const do hoist but don’t get initialized.

The end result is the same. Just remember that when using let/const you should always move variable declarations to the top of your scope to avoid the temporal dead zone.

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